The importance of nutrition
Nutrition and children Proper nutrition with healthy habits is essential for normal growth, development and development of the various activities. Children and young people should always be educated to consume sufficient quantities of a wide variety of foods to avoid essential nutrient deficiencies.
It is important to educate children from an early age to feed and relate to food appropriately, since eating habits learned from infants often persist in adulthood.
Family education is basic because children are often the victim of bad habits of parents, it is no coincidence that it is very common to meet children with excess weight in households with obese parents.
Recent statistics show more and more the presence in school children and young people, of incorrect eating habits transmitted to them and granted, but above all a high rate of overweight deriving from quantitatively and qualitatively incorrect food choices accompanied by excessive sedentariness.
All this is very worrying about the child’s health, as it is more likely to predict the development of obesity in adulthood, facilitating the subsequent appearance of all chronic-degenerative diseases related to a wrong relationship with the typical food of modern times.
Food: The Right Approach
Nutritional treatment in children requires great care and sensitivity.
Education to a suitable diet must allow a linear and gradual achievement of the ideal weight, avoiding nutrient deficiencies essential to their growth, but above all respecting the psychological side to avoid the onset of eating disorders.
Families must commit themselves so that their children avoid the most common food errors in this age group, accustoming them to eating properly, giving the meal due importance and encouraging them to be physically more active every day.
Also in the following years it is useful to refer to these indications taking into account, with the help of the general practitioner, pediatrician or nutritionist of the nutritional needs related to the various age groups.
The education to a correct alimentation correlated to a regular physical activity must be part of the formation of young people and children to which it is necessary to give the appropriate attention.
Nutritionist Andrea Del Seppia elaborates diets for children and young people overweight and not, at each stage of development.
Nutrition for children and young sportsmen

When practicing sport, during growth, covering all nutrient requirements becomes essential, as an incorrect contribution could negatively affect the development of the activity performed by the boy.
Nutritionist Andrea Del Seppia develops diet plans for children and young sportsmen.
In the first picture the Doctor with the little soccer player Davide De Feudis son of Giuseppe De Feudis, after the collaboration with his father in the past season of series A of 2014/2015 begins the path of little David.

In the second picture, Doctor Del Seppia with Gabriele Tisselli, athlete of the National Junior Gymnastics. Gabriele, despite a knee injury, managed to grit his teeth and pull out the energy to win the second place in the Italian championships of artistic gymnastics in the free body discipline, graduating VICE ITALIAN CHAMPION on June 3rd!