Rimini - Dr Andrea Del Seppia: "here's how to avoid children obesity"
Interview with Dr Andrea Del Seppia, nutritionist expert in clinical and sports nutrition at Clinica Nuova Ricerca di Rimini.
This is an extract from the "Corriere di Romagna" interview with nutritionist Dr Andrea Del Seppia, expert in clinical and sports nutrition, on the topic: "Advice against obesity in children"
Banquet time with relatives and friends. The menus and faces change but a recurring scenario remains: the adults go into conversation while the little ones continue to munch on snacks in front of the PlayStation. What to do to prevent obesity in children? We talked about it with Nutritionist Dr Andrea Del Seppia, an expert in clinical and sports nutrition, at the Nuova Ricerca Clinic in Rimini.
What to do to prevent obesity in children? We talked about it with Nutritionist Dr. Andrea Del Seppia - Rimini
Del Seppia, according to the OKkio 2019 survey, in Emilia Romagna, 19% of children between 8 and 9 years old were overweight and 7% obese. A survey by the Ausl of the same year spoke of one obese child out of 3 in the Rimini area. Has the pandemic messed up this data?
«The numbers have increased exponentially in Rimini and its province, both due to a greater sedentary lifestyle recorded during the various lockdowns, and because even after the alarm ended, not everyone returned to their pre-Covid habits. The fear of contagion, still widespread among adults, has fallen on children and grandchildren »

What health risks does an obese child face?
«We assume that an adult's health is built from childhood, therefore an obese child can develop metabolic problems, such as high cholesterol and triglycerides, but also liver problems, as well as the risk of developing diabetes or hypertension . Without forgetting critical issues for posture, which affect a developing back and joints».
How do you prevent obesity in the little ones?
«First of all, parents need to be trained in an adequate food culture, so that the family does not pass on mistakes to their children, even if in good faith or unknowingly. Secondly, it is advisable to consult a specialist who has the tools and knowledge to develop personalized dietary plans: diets, in fact, must always put the correct quantities on paper for each patient. Dedicating yourself to a sporting activity remains the third step to cultivate until adulthood. A habit that strengthens and allows you to be more flexible at the table without particular sacrifices».
It is necessary to train parents in adequate food culture and contact a specialist who has the tools and knowledge to develop personalized diet plans
When should you consult a specialist?
"It is not enough to calculate the body mass index, i.e. the ratio between weight and height, it is also necessary to evaluate the real body composition of the person. To do this, the nutritionist has tools that allow you to break down your weight. The number we read on the scale is in fact the sum of 4 components: fat, muscles, liquids and bones. Components that need to be broken down, given that some have bigger bones than others, due to genetic baggage, or more important muscles».

A recurring mistake?
«It is not a correct habit to weigh yourself every day because in this way you only notice the changes in fluids».
From sweets to sodas: what are the "empty calories" to avoid?
«Except in people with particular pathological conditions, there is no thumbs down, the compass to orient oneself is common sense combined with a personalized dietary plan».