In a world where nutritional advice is proposed everywhere, it is difficult to distinguish truthful information from misleading information and understand what are the really important elements to follow a balanced diet. Often, the basic notions to have a balanced diet are lacking and this has repercussions on health.
Misura's interview with Dr. Andrea Del Seppia
We elaborate on the topic with our nutritionist, Dr. Andrea Del Seppia
Dott. Del Seppia, nutrition is a complex science and in continuous phase of study, but there are some well-defined and validated cornerstones for some time, is there any talking about it?
Science is not based on opinions, but on reliable data, and also in the dietary field there are evidences that allow to extract generic advice valid for the population, in general. It often happens to see miraculous properties attributed to some exotic fruit or to read that a certain category of food constitutes a "poison" if included in the daily diet. Some foods are particularly protective for our body, while others, if consumed in excess, can be harmful. However, it often happens that you run into extremist statements that can make you lose the global view of what is really important in the context of a balanced diet. If we do not consider the landscape in which it is hired, no food serves as a panacea for every evil.
What does it mean to follow a balanced diet?
Nutrition is not only the tool to meet the daily energy needs, but one of the factors that allow you to live in a good state of health preventing nutritional deficiencies. Adequate nutrition must include all nutrients in the right quantities and should not only consider calories (a merely quantitative measure), but take into account qualitative assessments of food and a good balance of macronutrients.
Eating in a balanced way means eating in a varied, not monotonous way, without unjustified exclusions of certain foods. It also implies a correct satisfaction of the palate, a healthy conviviality, the balance of psychological factors connected to food, without neglecting factors of an economic and organizational nature. A balanced diet is represented by a model that is sustainable in the long term and which concretizes the Greek origin of the word "diet": way of life.
What are the cornerstones of proper nutrition?
The levels of reference intake of nutrients and energy for the Italian population (LARN, IV Revision, SINU 2014) provide parameters that allow to formulate healthy indications in the food sector. These guidelines give ranges of values and not fixed values, including a margin that takes into account the variability of each one's needs.
There is no perfect food plan, standardized and ideal for all healthy individuals: it will be up to the nutrition professional to provide a personalized diet based on specific individual conditions. The energy needs depend on the different personal physiological needs (height, physical activity, age, etc.), are expressed in calories and are satisfied by the contribution of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Between 45 and 60% of the daily energy needs must be satisfied by the contribution of carbohydrates, often demonized unjustifiably: in reality they are an essential energy source for the proper functioning of our body from the muscles to the brain.
You should prefer whole grains (spelled, barley, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour) and pseudocereal (buckwheat, quinoa), legumes and season the common semolina pasta with plenty of vegetables. The consumption of simple sugars, on the other hand, should not provide more than 15% of the total energy supply.
Among sources of simple sugars, it is appropriate to prefer those "essential" foods such as fruit and the recommended portion of dairy products or substitutes, for example a portion of yogurt for breakfast or snack. Dietary fiber is a component of vegetables that we do not digest (therefore it has a caloric intake close to zero) but which, when taken in adequate quantities, performs beneficial actions mainly at the level of the intestine and the sense of satiety. Cooked and / or raw vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and dried fruit guarantee a good supply of fiber: it is necessary to take at least 25 grams a day.
The average daily intake of proteins in the healthy adult can vary between 0.9 and 1.1 grams per kilogram of body weight, to be increased in case of increased needs such as during growth, in pregnancy or in the case of intense physical activity. The protein sources, during the week, should be alternated between fish, legumes (which, in addition to carbohydrates, also contain a good protein content), lean meats, eggs, dairy products, any products derived from soy, lean meats and, in more reduced red meat, processed and salami.

Lipids, or fats, must not provide more than 30% of the daily calories. This percentage should not fall below 20% of total calories in order not to create imbalances. In daily choices we recommend the use of extra virgin olive oil as main seasoning and to limit sources of saturated fats such as butter, cream, sauces rich in fats, palm oil, fatty meats and cheeses. It is necessary to ensure the presence of foods rich in polyunsaturated lipids such as cold water fish or dried fruit, especially walnuts. Also to be fried fries and vegetable margarines.
If you were to recommend a diet in line with these parameters what would it be?
In 2010 the Mediterranean Diet was declared a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Mediterranean model does not refer only to what we put in the dish: it is not a series of foods, but a set of "skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning the cultivation, harvesting, fishing, breeding, conservation, cooking and above all food sharing and consumption "(UNESCO, 2010).
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